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PhD in Law, the Individual and the Market

Starting from the XXVI cycle the Doctoral Schools of the University of Turin have been reorganized. The Doctoral School in Law ceased on the 31st December 2010. The courses related to it have been merged into two new PhD programs:Law, the Individual and the Market; Law and Institutions.

From 2011 to 2018, the PhD in Law, the Individual and the Market was assigned to the Doctoral School in Human and Social Sciences.

Since 2018, the PhD in Law, the Individual and the Market, currently coordinated by Professor Elena D'Alessandro, is incorporated in the Doctoral School established by the Rectoral Decree no. 3411 of 30/08/2018.

The School is aimed at promoting and implementing the strategic choices involving the PhD, as defined by the governing bodies of the University. The School promotes, coordinates and implements the educational, cultural and interdisciplinary activities, respecting the specificity of the different PhD courses. These activities are a fundamental and integrative part of the University's third level educational offer. The School guarantees the quality of PhD Courses through the implementation of internal evaluation as defined by the governing bodies of the University.

The PhD program is focused on the study of emerging legal phenomena at the global level, in a perspective not limited to domestic law. The research makes use of comparative and empirical analysis, a necessary tool for a critical analysis that can be validated according to internationally recognized methodologies.
The PhD program also aims at educational objectives that are not exclusively academic, in the framework of an integration between the university and the professional world. In particular, it aims to train people capable of entering the world of professions and businesses at the highest levels, reaffirming the role of a theoretically rigorous critical training, such as that which characterizes the PhD. Consequently, doctoral students must carry out original research, providing a contribution that must be worthy of publication.

Scope of research
The program addresses the disciplines of private law that are influenced by the process of evolution and change of law in the present age: access to justice and public institutions, gender, health, energy, environment and climate change.
The courses offered in the framework of the PhD program are taught by professors from the University of Turin and from leading European institutions, identified primarily by the Scientific Committee of the 2023-2027 Excellence Project (link being activated), as well as by protagonists of legal culture engaged at a high level in the development of law, such as representatives of the European judiciary.

Such a multicultural teaching staff will ensure an adequate internationalization of the program, which is also promoted through mandatory research stays abroad of 12 months by PhD candidates.

This approach aims at developing the ability of PhD candidates to draft innovative proposals with a critical awareness of the various dimensions of the legal experience, both in terms of interpreting and applying current law, and in the development of new theoretical approaches.

Last, the PhD program is characterized by its strong approach to empirical legal studies, and transdisciplinary legal research.

Subject areas
The program covers several thematic areas under the 7th EU Framework Program: not only socio-economic sciences, of course, but also other thematic areas (health, information and communication technologies, energy, environment, transport) for a necessary analysis of their legal implications, and has obtained additional resources on these issues in the form of grants provided by external bodies.
The objectives of our PhD program are not merely academic. Thanks to the development of collaborations aimed at a continuous and specialized training, the program intends to fostera greater integration between the academic and the professional worlds and benefits from the contribution of scholars engaged in the University project concerning the European legal culture, of which the coordinator of the doctorate is the holder. In particular, it aims to train people capable of entering the world of professions and businesses at the highest levels, reaffirming the role of a theoretically rigorous critical training, such as that which characterizes the PhD.

Acquired skills
PhD students in Law, the Individual and the Market:

  • will acquire a systematic understanding of private law, in its broadest sense, and should gain a deep knowledge of current methodological empirical practice;
  • will acquire the skills to design a research project, preferably of a transdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature, which will lead to the drafting of the doctoral thesis;
  • will be able to work in team;
  • will be able to conduct an original scientific research, making a contribution that, at least in part, must be worthy of publication at national or international level;
  • will be able to communicate with their peers and with the wider community of scholars (jurists and non-jurists) and the public.

From the 38th cycle, the PhD course activated an international curriculum in cooperation with the University of Navarra.
The primary aim of this curriculum is to enhance the scientific collaboration between the two institutions, in order to develop joint research about the following topics: Company/Business Law, Civil Law, Human Rights, Climate change and Artificial Intelligence.
The second aim is to make sure that this collaboration leads to the participation of the two universities to calls within the Horizon Europe Program with a team composed of International Curriculum candidates.

The international curriculum will lead PHD students to the award of a doctoral diploma by the University of Turin. The University of Navarra will be privileged Partner for the implementing of jointly-supervised doctoral thesis for candidates enrolled to the International Curriculum.

PhD Courses will be managed by the University of Turin, in collaboration with the University of Navarra.

PHD Educational activities will be carried out in English.

PhD students enrolled in the International Curriculum must spend a research period at the University of Navarra of 12 months. Part of travel expenses and costs related to the research period abroad will be covered by the increasing of the PhD scholarship provided by the University of Turin.

After the selection process, all students admitted to the International Curriculum of the PhD Program in “Law, the Individual and the Market” will have to complete the procedure of enrollment to the Program in “Law, the Individual and the Market” at University of Turin.


MAGLIONA Cecilia Benedetta
Supervisor: Professoressa Mia Callegari Co-supervisor Barbara Petrazzini
Research project: The relevance of sustainable approach and ESG factors: new perspectives for banking companies

Supervisor: Professor Raffaele Caterina Co-supervisor Riccardo De Caria
Research project: Consumer and data subject non-choice: legal design as a possible remedy

MAIORANO Francesca (XXXVIII° ciclo)
Supervisor: Professoressa Joëlle Long - Co-supervisor Daniela Izzi
Research project: Feminity the trap": perspectives of patrimonialization of the care work and possibilities to use the contract as instrument of reallocation of the power between the sexes

FILIPPI Veronica (XXXVIII° ciclo)
Supervisors: Professoressa Mia Callegari - Roberto Caranta Co-supervisor Paolo Patrito
Research project: Corporate Social Responsibility and (the invisible hand of) public procurement

MIKONI Tatiana (XXXVIII° ciclo) Cotutela Università di Navarra
Supervisors: Professoressa Cristina Poncibò - Professor Raffaele Caterina - Co-supervisor Professor Patrick O’Malley - Docente Università di Navarra
Research project: Psychology of Decision Making and Consumer Protection

Supervisor: Professoressa Margherita Poto Co-supervisor Roberto Caranta
Research project: Strengthening participatory decision-making processes in water governance through an ecohealth conceptual framework

COLELLA Marco (XXXVIII° ciclo) - PNRR call -
Supervisor: Professor Enrico Marello Co-supervisor Stefania Gianoncelli
Research project: The reform of the local tax collection

FUNARI Alessia (XXXVIII° ciclo) - PNRR call -
Supervisor: Professor Enrico Marello Co-supervisor Stefania Gianoncelli
Research project: New perspectives for the protection of the taxpayer and for the relationship with collection agents in the new digital culture

KENTACHE Leila (XXXVIII° ciclo) - PNRR call-
Supervisor: Professor Roberto Caranta Co-supervisor Paolo Patrito
Research project: The Do no significant harm principle in NNRP procurements

TRIFILETTI Vittoria Margherita Sofia (XXXVIII° ciclo) - PNRR call -
Supervisor: Professor Michele Graziadei Co-supervisor Emilio Sulis
Research project: Legal informatics and healthcare: methods and applications

VITALE Davide (XXXVIII° ciclo) - PNRR call -
Supervisor: Professoressa Mia Callegari Co-supervisor Eva Desana
Research project: Gender equality, artificial intelligence and digital transition

XXXVII cycle

Gianluca Allegri
Tutor: Pr. Simona Novaretti
Research project: Private autonomy in the People's Republic of China: a comparative approach.

Chiara Falvo
Tutor: Pr. Roberto Caranta
Research project: ITN - SAPIENS "Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems" - Grant Agreement n. 956696

Jane Enid Nganzi Murungi
Tutor: Pr. Margherita Poto
Research project: Environmental protection obligations by financiers of large-scale infrastructure projects: Kenya and South Africa case study

Elisa Parodi 
Tutor: Pr. Daniela Izzi
Research project: Algorithm at work: machine learning and discrimination

Iury Prado Muci de Lima (PhD PON Research and Innovation)
Tutor: Pr. Margherita Salvadori 
Research project: Strategic Climate Change Litigation: Private International Law Aspects

Francesco Rana
Tutor: Pr. Paolo Gallo
Research project: Information duties

Riccardo Serafin
Tutor: Pr. Edoardo Ferrante
Research project: The current state of europeancontract law through hard, soft and case rules (after the CESL)

Paolo-Maria Davide Smirne
Tutor: Pr. Mia Callegari
Research project: The Italian innovative startup incorporated as a private limited comany: between contractual freedom and shareholders’ rights

Ezgi Uysal
Tutores: Pr. Roberto Caranta, Pr. Mario Comba
Research project: ITN - SAPIENS "Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems" - Grant Agreement n. 956696

Luca Vernero
Tutor: Pr. Mia Callegari
Research project: Control system and organizational structure of public companies

XXXVI cycle

Sofia Albano
Tutor: Pr. Joëlle Long
Research project: Il perseguimento dei best interests of the child nella protezione e promozione dei diritti dei minori stranieri non accompagnati.

Alessia Carrera
Tutores: Pr. Ferdinando Zuccotti, Pr. Enrico Sciandrello
Research project: La res iudicata nel processo civile romano in epoca tardoantica: dal mito alla crisi dell’intangibilità del giudicato.

María Pía Guadalupe Díaz Díaz
Tutor: Pr. Elena D’Alessandro
Research project: Tutela Giuridica (sostanziale e processuale) delle persone fragili.

Maria Cristina Gruppuso
Tutores: Pr.Raffaele Caterina, Pr. Ilaria Riva
Research project: Contratto e successioni.

Giulio Macario Ban
Tutor: Pr. Paolo Gallo
Research project:
Le restituzioni contrattuali: disciplina, autonomia privata e proprietary rights.

Corinne Mammino in co-tutela con l’Università di Losanna
Tutores: Pr. Margherita Salvadori, Pr. Andrea Bonomi (Università di Losanna)

Francesco Mosetto
Tutor: Pr. Mia Callegari
Research project: Il recesso del socio nelle società di capitali.

Eleonora Visentin
Tutor: Pr. Alessandro Enrico Cogo
Research project: La riforma del diritto d’autore europeo.

XXXV cycle

Simone Cavaliere
Tutor: Pr. Alberto Ronco
Research project: Diritto all’impugnazione e i suoi limiti. Tra tutela del singolo e tenuta complessiva del sistema giustizia

Ejona Xhemalaj
Tutor: Pr. Alessandro Enrico Cogo
Research project:
Digital platforms and copyright law: the new standard set by the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. A view from South East Europe

Lavinia Palombo
Tutores: Pr. Mia Callegari, Pr. Barbara Petrazzini
Research project:
La Direttiva Shareholder Rigths II: innovazioni e criticità nel progetto europeo di corporate governance alla luce degli obiettivi di sostenibilità e creazione di
valore nel lungo periodo.

Anna Panarella
Tutor: Pr. Lorenza Mola
Research project: Il concetto di “emanazione di uno Stato” nel diritto del mercato unico europeo e nel diritto internazionale dell’economia.

Fejzian Petritaj
Tutor: Pr. Mia Callegari
Research project: Principi comuni nella governance dei gruppi contrattuali in Italia ed in Germania: uno studio comparato sulla disciplina dei gruppi di società.

Phuong Thao Phan in cotutela con l'Université de Lorraine
Tutores: Pr. Margherita, Pr. Olivier Cachard (Université de Lorraine)
Research project: Cross-border action pauliana: jurisdiction and applicable law.

Marco Poli in co-tutela con l'Università di Anversa
Tutores: Pr. Joëlle Long, Pr. Frederik Swennen (Università di Anversa)
Research project: Affidamento condiviso e bigenitorialità nell'interesse preminente del minore. Uno studio comparato e interdisciplinare dei modelli di Italia, Francia e Inghilterra.

Camilla Scalvini
Tutores: Pr. Alberto Ronco, Pr. Chiara Besso
Research project:
Il filtro in Cassazione: il tramonto del diritto all'impugnazione o l'alba di un sistema coerente?

XXXIV cycle

Amarilys Abreu in co-tutela con l’Università di Rotterdam (Olanda)
Tutores: Pr.sse Cristina Poncibò e Lorenza Mola, Pr. Peter Mascini (Università di Rotterdam)
Research project:
European Union sovereign debt policymaking through the lenses of public international law, private international law, and human rights

Gonzales Carlos Antonio Agurto
Tutor: Pr. Michele Graziadei
Research project: Diritto delle persone. L’influenza della cultura giuridica italiana sul Libro Primo del Codice Civile peruviano del 1984.

Benedetta Biancardi
Tutor: Pr. Roberto Caranta
Research project: The State liability in contract making

Francesca Bichiri
Tutores: Pr.sse Cristina Poncibò e Barbara Petrazzini
Research project:
La protezione dell'investitore-consumatore nel mercato finanziario: l'evoluzione delle vecchie categorie e i nuovi orizzonti dell'era FinTech

Eleonora Ebau
Tutor: Pr. Elena D’Alessandro
Research project:
Third Party Funding in Litigation and International Arbitration

Marta Mantione
Tutor: Pr. Joëlle Long
Research project: Surrogate maternity: concept of “mother”, status filiationis and best interest of the child recognition

Mamami Sonia Lidia Quequejana 
Tutor: Pr. Michele Graziadei
Research project:
Diritto all’identità sessuale e la problematica del transessualismo: le esperienze italiana e peruviana

Elena Ratti
Tutores: Pr. Stefano Cerrato, Pr. Giuseppe Benedetto Portale (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)
Research project: Il regime semplificato di valutazione dei conferimenti in natura e la tutela del capitale sociale

XXXIII cycle

Nina Belyaeva
Tutor: Pr. Michele Graziadei
Research project: Change in regulatory regimes of Freedom of Assembly under the influence of Legal transplants and Policy Transfers. Comparing Cases of Canada and Russian Federation

Mara Bisi
Tutor: Pr. Domenico Francavilla
Research project:
Legal Transplants e strutture transculturali: Trust, Waqf e Benami

Roberta Bono
Tutor: Pr. Daniela Izzi
Research project: Il lavoro dei disabili tra divieto di discriminazione e obbligo di soluzioni ragionevoli

Aveek Chakravarty
Tutor: Pr. Roberto Caranta
Research project:
Arbitral discretion in the assessement of compensation and damages in investor State dispute settlement

Alessandro Galia
Tutores: professori Raffaele Caterina e Ilaria Riva
Research project:
Le clausole di esonero e limitazione della responsabilità. Diritto italiano e francese a confronto.

Chong Jun
Tutor: Pr. Roberto Caranta
Research project:
Improving Chinese sustainable public procurement from the perspective of life cycle cost

Susanna Marta
Tutor: Pr. Elena D’Alessandro
Research project:
Party Autonomy and State’s intervention in Civil Justice. Privatizing Civil Justice through procedural agreements?

Tatiana Shaburova
Tutores: Pr. Cristina Poncibò, Pr. Aleksey G. Sushkevic
Research project:
The transplant of EU Competition law in Post-Socialist legal systems: the case of RF

Wisam Zreg
Tutor: Pr. Roberta Aluffi
Research project:
Globalizzazione e normatività islamica. La prospettiva libica

Shuangshaung Zhao
Tutor: Pr. Roberto Caranta
Research project:
The role of China in fostering sustainable public procurement (SPP) comparing to the EU-Olympic Games Study

(XXXII cycle)

Oscar Borgogno
Tutor: Pr. Cristina Poncibò
Research project:
Access to Data and Interoperability: The Lesson of Open Banking

 Visit the  Admission and Enrollments page inside the Torino University site

The PhD Program in Law, the Individual and the Market provides for the acquisition of 180 CFU (1 CFU: 2 h lecture or seminar) during the three-year period and is divided into:
1st year
30 CFU of research activities (*)
25 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
5 CFU of complementary educational activity to the research

2nd year
45 CFU of research activities (*)
15 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities (**)
(**) The PhD students of the 2nd year will have to organize a seminar in which they will act as a discussant to the teacher invited to speak on issues related to their research project.
(*) Admission to the 3rd year is subject to having at least one publication (essay or a book chapter), even in the process of being published.

3rd year
55 CFU research activities for thesis preparation
5 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activity

Outgoing co-tutels - i.e. those initiated for doctoral students of the University of Turin - are required to apply only the criteria provided for the first year. The curriculum for the following two years will be defined for each individual research project by the tutors appointed by the respective teaching boards within the framework of the co-tutelle agreement signed by the two universities.

For incoming co-tutelle - i.e. those initiated for doctoral students coming from abroad - the curriculum is established by the tutors appointed by the respective teaching boards in the framework of the co-tutelle greement signed by the two universities.
PhD students are required to enter their research products in the Iris-AperTO Catalogue:
PhD are required to send the list of publications to Dr. Stefania Carena, e-mail

Research activity
The research activity is the main training activity and consists in the independent development of a research project in the field of the topics covered by the PhD course, carried out under the guidance of a Tutor. The research project and the Tutor are assigned by the Board of teachers within three months from the beginning of the PhD. The doctorate program include a period of research abroad of 12 months, which is mandatory for doctoral fellows. This period can also take place in a non-continuous manner during the three-year period.
The research project for outgoing co-tutorial doctoral students and incoming co-tutorial doctoral students is determined by the tutors appointed by the respective Teaching Boards within the framework of the co-tutorial agreement signed by the two universities.

Disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities

The educational offer of the PhD Program in Law, the Individual and the Market includes specific lectures providing theoretical and practical insights into the main research topics covered by the doctorate. The list of mandatory courses is made available before the start of the academic year.

Doctoral students not on mobility abroad are required to attend doctoral lessons in person, except for online lessons with teachers connected from outside Turin.

Below the list of the mandatory courses (AY 2022-2023):

  • Library Resources (Dr. Cristina Fiore): compulsory for the first year (XXXVIII cycle)
  • European project planning (organized by the PTA of the Law Department): compulsory for all active cycles (XXXVI, XXXVII and XXXVIII)
  • Legal Research Methodology (led by Prof. Enrico Marello): compulsory for the first and second year (XXXVII and XXXVIII cycle)
  • Current Topics in Private Law (led by Prof. Edoardo Ferrante): compulsory for the first and second year (XXXVII and XXXVIII cycle)
  • Law and Economics (led by Prof. Riccardo De Caria): compulsory for the first and second year (XXXVII and XXXVIII cycle)
  • "Re-reading the Great Classics" (led by Prof. Federico Goria): compulsory for the first, second and third year (XXXVIII, XXXVII and XXXVI cycle)
  • Seminar organized by second-year PhD students on topics related to their research: compulsory activity for second-year PhD students (Participation is also required for first-year PhD students)
  • Seminars relating to the Excellence Project 23-27: mandatory for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students (XXXIX, XXXVIII and XXXVII cycle), excluding one-day conferences which are not mandatory.

For the purposes of the mandatory number of hours experiment, in-person lessons with a teacher attended online by doctoral students not on mission abroad will not be considered valid.

Training activities offered outside the PhD program, at other universities and research institutions as well as by professional associations (provided that among the speakers there is at least one university professor) are also recognized. For the activities chosen by the PhD student outside the PhD program, different from the last mentioned, the validation by the Tutor is required.
For outgoing and incoming co-tutorial doctoral students, the disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities are agreed upon by the tutors appointed by the respective Teaching Boards within the framework of the co-tutelle agreement signed by the two universities.

Complementary research activities
Training activities complementary to research aim at developing transversal competences and soft skills. These capabilities improve the impact of research and complement the professional profile by providing tools useful for career opportunities in academic and non-academic areas. Examples of activities complementary to research are: language improvement, bibliographic research, valorisation of research and intellectual property, scientific communication, writing and evaluation of research projects, research ethics, public engagement and third mission activities, etc.

Complementary research activities offered by the Doctoral school are:

  • Tools for document research. Getting to know UniTO's services and paper and digital collections
  • Engaged research in a PhD career
  • Scientific Communication, Open Science and Open Access - FAIR data and Data Management Plans
  • Tools for Research Evaluation and Scientific Production Analysis Valorisation of research results. Course on intellectual property

Transversal training activities may include:

  • the ones offered by the Doctoral School and the doctoral courses
  • chosen by the doctoral student outside the University of Turin

The transversal training activities offered by the PhD course are:

  • Support services for PhD students
  • Workshop on post-doctoral perspectives

Each activity of training complementary to research is assigned a number of CFU/hours corresponding and competing to the curriculum (1 CFU is equal to 2 h activity). For activities chosen by the PhD student outside those proposed by the Doctoral School or the Doctoral Course, validation by the Tutor is required.

For outgoing and incoming co-doctoral students, the complementary research training activities may be agreed upon by the tutors appointed by the respective Teaching Boards within the framework of the co-tutorship agreement signed by the two universities.

PhD students are required to enter their research products in the Iris-AperTO Catalog:

PhD are required to send the list of publications to

October 31, 2023: Conclusion of 1st year.
October 10, 2023: Deadline for submitting annual reports to (relating to a lecture, seminar or conference attended during the year and another on research activities).

In November 2023, the Teaching Board will decide on admission to the 2nd year. The decision of the Teaching Board will be transmitted to the staff of the Doctoral Office, which will send an email informing about the deadline for payment of the enrollment fee for the 2nd year. The Doctoral Office's communications will be sent to the institutional account.
A positive evaluation by the Teaching Board on the activities of the last year of the course is a condition for admission to the final exam.
Following a positive evaluation of the activities of the last year of the course, the Teaching Board proceeds, for each doctoral candidate, after consulting the tutor, to appoint at least two evaluators (plus at least one substitute), and sets the deadline for the presentation of the thesis. The evaluators must be highly qualified professors, external to the University of Turin, to the partner Universities that contribute to the award of the Doctorate title, and to the Teaching Board (T. Board). The evaluators may serve in this capacity for several candidates. The thesis, accompanied by a summary in Italian or English, is written in Italian or English or in another language upon authorization from the T. Board.
The doctoral thesis, and the doctoral candidate's report on the activities carried out during the doctoral program, are presented by the doctoral candidate to the evaluators within the deadline set by the T. Board. Doctoral students in the XXXVI cycle will be allowed, starting from the conclusion of the last year of the Doctorate (including extensions), a maximum of six months to submit their thesis to the evaluators. The evaluators provide a written analytical judgment on the thesis (within one month of receiving the thesis) and propose its admission to the public discussion or a deferment for a period not exceeding six months if significant integrations or corrections are required.
The doctoral candidate is required to make the required integrations and/or corrections.
The PhD candidate is required to make the integrations and/or corrections requested. After this period, the thesis is in any case admitted to the public discussion, accompanied by a new written opinion from the same evaluators, made in light of any corrections or integrations that have been made. The Coordinator acts as a liaison between the PhD candidate and the evaluators in the event of referral by only one evaluator.
The public discussion takes place before an examining committee composed of at least three experts in the field (with respective alternates), mostly external to the University, appointed by the T. Board of within 30 days from the admission to the public discussion. It is possible to appoint a single committee for multiple candidates. The evaluators may be part of the examining committee.

The T. Board may authorize participation in the public discussion via teleconference.
The committee must complete its work within 90 days from the rectoral decree of appointment. After this term, the committee that has not completed its work shall expire and the Rector shall appoint a new committee, excluding the expired members.
The final examination consists of the public discussion of the thesis. At the end of the discussion, the thesis, with motivated collective judgment, is approved or rejected. The committee, with a unanimous vote, may grant honors in the presence of particularly noteworthy scientific results.
The degree is issued by the Rector who, upon request of the interested party, certifies its attainment.
Following the attainment of the degree, it is the candidate's responsibility to deposit the thesis in the institutional open access archive, which guarantees its preservation and public accessibility. The University shall deposit the thesis in compliance with the law at the National Libraries of Florence, Rome, and Turin and in the ministerial database.
In case of co-tutorship, the candidate shall discuss the thesis according to the rules of the University where the discussion takes place.
For the purpose of filling out the Doctorate Form, the Coordinator invites PhD candidates to indicate in the research activity report the publications produced, the training activities and the periods abroad carried out in 2023 (only specify the activities organized by external entities to the Doctorate).

When listing the publications, it is necessary to specify:

  1. The type: monograph, article in a journal, note to a sentence, review, contribution within a volume (e.g. book chapter), entry in Digest, Legal Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Law, proceedings, editing, translation, patent, etc.
  2. Any co-authors.
  3. The starting and ending pages of your work.
  4. The publishing house and the city.
  5. In the case of an article in a journal, specify the issue and the ISSN

XXXVII cycle
30th October 2022: end of the first year
For PON PhD Students: end of the first year is 31st December 2022
11th October 2022: deadline for sending the annual reports to on a lecture, seminar or conference followed during the year and the other on the research activity carried out). For PON PhD Students: 11th December 2022.
In November, the Teaching Board will deliberate on the admission to the second year. The decision of the Teaching Board will be sent to the staff of the Doctorates Office, who will send an e-mail informing the students about the deadline for payment of the registration fee for the second year. The communications from the Doctorates Office will be sent to the institutional account.

XXXVI cycle
30 September 2022: end of the second year
11 September 2022: deadline for sending the annual reports to (one on a lecture, seminar or conference followed during the year and the other on the research activity carried out).
In October, the Teaching Board will deliberate on the admission to the second year. The decision of the Teaching Board will be sent to the staff of the Doctorates Office, who will send an e-mail informing the students about the deadline for payment of the registration fee for the second year. The communications from the Doctorates Office will be sent to the institutional account.
For PhD Students who got an extension (ex L. 69/2021): 
31st december 2022: end of the second year
11th December 2022: deadline for sending the annual reports to (one on a lecture, seminar or conference followed during the year and the other on the research activity carried out).

At per its meeting of 7 March 2018, the Teaching Board made admission to the third-year subject to the fact that the PhD student had at least one publication, even during the printing phase.

XXXV cycle
31st October 2022: end of the third year
11th October 2022: deadline for sending the annual reports to (one on a lecture, seminar or conference followed during the year and the other on the research activity carried out), table of contents and thesis bibliografy.
30th April 2023: thesis submission deadline, except for extensions by the legislator.
For PhD Students who got an extension (ex L. 69/2021):
31st January 2023: end of the third year
11th January 2023: deadline for sending the annual reports to (one on a lecture, seminar or conference followed during the year and the other on the research activity carried out), table of contents and thesis bibliografy.
31st July 2023: thesis submission deadline

XXXIV cycle
31st March 2022: thesis submission deadline, except for extensions by the legislator. 

At its meeting of 7 March 2018, the Teaching Board made admission to the third-year subject to the fact that the PhD student had at least one publication, even during the printing phase.

The positive evaluation of the Teaching Board on the activities carried out during the last year of the PhD program is a condition for the admission to the final exam.

After a positive evaluation of the last year activities, the Teaching Board will appoint at least two evaluators (plus at least one substitute) for each PhD student, after hearing the tutor's opinion, and will establish the deadline for the presentation of the thesis. The evaluators must be highly qualified professors, external to the University of Turin, to the affiliated universities that contribute to the award of the doctoral degree and to the Teaching Board. Evaluators may take on this function for more than one candidate.

The thesis, accompanied by a summary in Italian or English, is written in Italian or English or in another language with the authorization of the Teaching Board.
The thesis, which must be accompanied by a report of the PhD student on the activities carried out during the PhD and on any publications, is submitted by the PhD student to the evaluators within the deadline set by the Board. The PhD students of the XXXIV cycle will be granted a maximum period of six months to send their thesis to the evaluators (31 March 2022).
The evaluators express a written analytical opinion on the thesis (within one month after receiving the thesis) and propose its admission to public discussion or postponement for a period not exceeding six months if they consider significant additions or corrections necessary.

The PhD student is required to make the required additions and/or corrections.
After this period, the thesis is in any case admitted to public discussion, accompanied by a new written opinion of the same evaluators, made in the light of any corrections or additions made.

The Coordinator acts as a link between the PhD student and the evaluators in the event of rejection by a single evaluator.
Public discussion takes place before an Examination Commission composed of at least three experts in the field (with their respective substitutes), the majority of whom are not members of the Board, appointed by the Teaching Board within 30 days since the admission to public discussion. It is possible to appoint a single Commission for several candidates. The evaluators may be members of the Examination Commission.

The Teaching Board may authorise participation in the public discussion by electronic means.

The Commission is required to complete its work within 90 days of the Dean's appointment decree.

After this deadline, the Commission that has not completed its work shall not be considered valid and the Dean shall appoint a new Commission, with the exception of those members of the previous Commission.

The final exam consists in the public discussion of the thesis. At the end of the discussion, the thesis, with a justified collective judgement, is approved or rejected. The Commission, with unanimous vote, has the right to give honors in the presence of results of particular scientific importance.

The title is issued by the Dean who, at the request of the interested party, certifies his/her achievement.

After obtaining the title, the candidate will be responsible for filing the thesis in the institutional archive with open access, which will ensure its preservation and public consultation. The University will deposit the thesis in accordance with the law at the National Libraries of Florence, Rome and Turin and in the ministerial database.

Joint Doctoral thesis agreements
The candidate will discuss the thesis according to the rules of the university where the discussion takes place.

In order to fill in the PhD Form, the Coordinator invites the PhD students to indicate in the report on the research activity: the publications, the training activities and the periods abroad carried out in 2021 (specify only the activities organized by bodies outside the PhD). When listing publications, please specify:
1) Typology: monograph, journal article, sentence note, review, contribution within a volume (e.g. book chapter), entry in Digesto, Legal Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Law, proceedings, curatorship, translation, patent, etc.
2) Co-authors, if any
3) The starting and final pages of your work
4) The publisher and the city of publication
5) In case of journal article, specify the issue and the publisher
6) Keywords of your workpiece ()
7) ISSN code for journals
8) ISBN code for monographs and book contributions

The committee's formal terms of reference is to comply with evaluation in accordance with ANVUR's requirements. To satisfy this obligation, the two questionnaires ANVUR supplied were circulated to all PhD candidates from Cycle XXXV to XXXVIII.
Significantly, the committee's key objective is to obtain meaningful feedback on the programme's PhD candidates' academic experience.
Assessment is in three compartments: the Research Activity, the Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Activities and the Complementary Activities. Three principal questions relating to these activities is (i) what the students liked about the activity, (ii) what the students
did not like about the given activity; and (iii) what could be improved by the activity. The questionnaire also incorporated other questions relating to students' overall opinion of the library, offices, supervisor support and more.
A first evaluation specifically covered the scheduled lectures held between November 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023.

Dott.ssa Stefania Vivalda

Tel.: +390116703494


Department of Law - Campus Luigi Einaudi
University of Turin
Room 26, building D1 - 2nd floor
Lungo Dora Siena 100/A
10153 Torino

Campus Luigi Einaudi
University of Turin
Lungo Dora Siena 100/A
10153 Torino - Italy

Phd Offices


EDISU - Regional Agency for the Right to Education of Piedmont

Collegio Einaudi

Centro linguistico di Ateneo



Ultimo aggiornamento: 14/02/2025 11:16
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